perjantaina, syyskuuta 22, 2006

Midtownin turvallisuus...

Eräänä kauniina päivänä Lady ja HR etsivät UPS -kuriiripalvelun postilaatikkoa 34th Streetillä siinä Macy'sin ja Empire State Buildinging välissä. Laatikon piti olla kadulla, vaan ei ottanut löytyäkseen. Lopulta osoittautui, että laatikko olikin jemmattu erään rakennuksen porraskäytävään.
Tätä aluetta turistit pitävät turvallisena, kauhistellessaan Lower East Siden tai Harlemin vaaroja. Vaan miten kävikään...

Lady tilittää:

remember when we went to drop off that package in the
ups box? the one that was in the lobby of that bldg.
and the security guard did not know it was there? next
to the shoe store? someone got shot there yesterday!

September 21, 2006 -- Three brazen bandits shot a
woman in the chest in a building across the street
from the Empire State Building yesterday in what cops
called a botched high-rise heist.
Wendy Ho, 42, had just come from a bank and was
exiting a bathroom on the 12th floor of 45 W. 34th St.
when she was accosted by the men at about 3:45 p.m.,
she told witnesses.

They first pistol-whipped Ho, trying to get her to
give up the keys to an office that contained valuable
counterfeit designer items, police sources said.

They then shot her and left with just her purse.

"It was like a river of blood. She was crying out, 'I
don't want to die, I don't want to die,' " said Jassi
Dhillon, 41, who works on the same floor.

Cops said a shot went through her arm, hit her in the
chest and came out her back.

Ho was taken to Bellevue Hospital where she was in
serious but stable condition.

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Näin siis NYC...

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